Privacy Policy

Last changed: September 12, 2023


Tingl messenger (hereafter «Tingl») bases on a philosophy of absolute privacy. It is designed with the goal to store the bare minimum of information for as short as possible. The app uses flagship encryption and privacy protection methods to fully exclude unauthorized data access. In general, we don’t collect any personal or sensitive data of our users, which does not mean we do not observe the applicable legal regulations, inter alia, EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), which principles can be applied.

Any information received by Tingl is disconnected entirely from any possible identification mechanism that would allow to identify or track you.

The first time you use Tingl, your public Metamask address is recorded in the Polygon blockchain - this transaction concludes the process of client registration.

Tingl App

Tingl is designed with the core purpose to not store any client information that can be used for tracking.

We don’t store or use any information about you or your device. When creating your Tingl account, we also don't use a phone number, e-mail, or any information that might identify you. We did this so that you can remain private and anonymous whenever you’re using Tingl.

Tingl Website

The Tingl website never makes an effort to build a user profile based on your behavior or to link your use of the site and your true identity.

We only store the information that is absolutely essential for the website to function. All the data collected helps to improve the website.

The Tingl website stores limited data to ensure its performance and ease of use and such data is deleted at the latest 1 week after it was collected.

Application Distribution Stores

Google or Apple might use their built-in telemetry to store information about how you use the app.

Stores might record data on when you launch or close the app, how long you use it for, app crash logs, and your device details. This information might get linked to your Google or Apple account. Unfortunately, this is a baseline limitation of mobile operating systems and app stores that applies to all apps on your device.

If you intend to use Tingl on mobile, we suggest reading Apple or Google’s privacy policies. For iOS, review Apple’s “Protecting the User’s Privacy”. For Android, read the User Data page of Google’s Policy Center.